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Assessing Employee Engagement
For your convenience and ease of reference, we have created a template of Employee Engagement Survey. You can use this template as such or modify it to suit your needs. Alternatively, you can design your own survey from scratch.

 Question: Please select the option that best describes the following statements about the senior management.
Strongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagree
The management is friendly and approachable.
The management is fair and impartial.
The management is considerate and understanding.
The management demonstrates good leadership skills.
 Question: How would you rate the following?
Very goodGoodReasonably goodPoorVery Poor
Physical conditions of work
Employee Benefits
Internal Communication (Formal Channels)
Intra and Interdepartmental Relations
Rewards and Recognition
 Question: What department are you working in? (Optional)
Customer Service
Human Resources
Information Technology

Other, please specify.
 Question: How long have you been working in our company? (Optional)
Less than six months
Less than a year
Less than two years
Less than 5 years
Less than 10 years
 Question: Have you ever experienced or noticed any of the following kinds of discrimination in the company? (Choose all that apply.)
Sexual Orientation
 Question: Please specify your gender. (Optional)
 Question: Does your work allow you to maintain a healthy balance between your personal and professional life?
Yes, absolutely.
Not at all. My work is too stressful and also takes up much of my time off work.
 Question: Please select the option that best describes your opinion with regard to the following statements.
Strongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagree
My work and responsibilities match up to my skills and knowledge.
My compensation is commensurate with my skills and work.
I have all the resources I need to perform my job well.
There are good opporunities for professional growth in this organization.
The training sessions for skill upgradation are organized frequently enough.
The training sessions are really helpful in my job performance.
My opinions and ideas are sought and given due consideration.
I receive consructive feedback on my work.
I identify with the mission and goals of this organization.
I am proud and happy to be working for this organization.
 Question: Please select the option that best describes the following statements about your immediate supervisor.
Strongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagree
My supervisor and I share a good working relationship.
My supervisor gives clear and precise instructions.
My supervisor is open to suggestions and new ideas.
My supervisor never fails to recognize my contribution.
My supervisoris is a competent person.
 Question: Given an opportunity, what changes would you like to initiate in this orgainization?