IQ Test Survey Research Report:
• The respondents belonged to different racial groups including Asians/Pacific Islanders, Arabs, Caucasians, Blacks and Multiracials. Caucasians were found to have the highest average IQ of 104.2. Asians/Pacific Islanders with an average IQ score of 102 were not too far behind.
• Male and female respondents had comparable scores of 100.9 and 100.3 respectively.
• The survey results showed negligible differences in IQ between people who smoke and those who do not. Concretely, the average IQ score obtained by smokers was 100.2 which was only 0.5 points less than that of non-smokers.
• An intriguing result was obtained in case of people who do different sports. More than 2% of those who played cricket, football and hockey obtained scores of 130 and above, putting them in the category of Very High IQ people. However, only 1.75% people who played tennis managed to obtain similar scores. Surprisingly though, the pattern was quite different in case of Above Average scores with 12.9% people who played cricket obtaining Above Average scores and as much as 18.6% of those that played hockey obtaining above average IQ scores.
• However, the most stunning results emerged in the context of relationship between IQ and Education. Graduates with an average IQ of 102.2 came out as top scorers. High-schoolers came a close second with an average IQ of 101.8 leaving not only postgraduates and vocational school graduates behind, but even those with doctoral degrees who, curiously, scored an uninspiring 97.8. No doubt, IQ remains quite a mystery!!