Surveyonics - Online Survey Software

Evaluating Event Success
For your convenience and ease of reference, we have created a template of Post-event Survey. You can use this template as such or modify it to suit your needs. Alternatively, you can design your own survey from scratch.

 Question: The staff were:
Polite and helpful
Somewhat polite and helpful
Impolite and unhelpful
 Question: The time allocated for each presentation was:
Just what it should have been.
Too long.
Too short.
 Question: How did you come to know about this event? (Choose all that apply.)
Received a mailer
Through a friend

Other, please specify.
 Question: Please write your full name below. (Optional)
 Question: How would you rate the topics and issues presented?
Highly pertinent
Somewhat pertinent
Off the mark
 Question: Please give your contact details. (Optional)
Phone number
Email id
 Question: Did you feel satisfied with our panel of speakers?
Some were good, but the others were not.
 Question: If you have any comment to make regarding any aspect of the event, please write it in the space provided below.
 Question: How would you rate the following?
Very goodGoodAveragePoorVery poor
Seating arrangement
Audio-visual equipment
 Question: To what extent was the event able to meet your expectations?
Exceeded all my expectations
Met my expectations
Nearly met my expectations
Did not meet my expectations
Way below my expectations