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Bad Habits Survey - For men Only
Which country do you belong to?
Replies Response Count
Show Replies 76
Please specify your family status.
Response Percent Response Count
Single (never married)
50 % 41
34 % 28
Living with partner
3 % 3
4 % 4
6 % 5
1 % 1
Do you ever shave or trim your hair in the sink? How often do you leave the hair in the sink on such occasions?
Response Percent Response Count
Rarely. I'm a clean guy and always leave the sink squeaky clean.
53 % 44
Pretty often. I only clean the sink properly when there is enough time.
25 % 21
On most occasions. I only straigten up when reminded and then forget again.
15 % 13
Always. That's a weird question coz its not my job.
4 % 4
How often do you:
  Rarely Sometimes Often Always Response Count
Leave your wet towel on the bed after coming out of the shower into your room 54%(45) 29%(24) 6%(5) 9%(8) 82
Forget to throw away empty packets or wrappers of chips, cigarettes or chocolates after finishing them 42%(35) 34%(28) 15%(13) 7%(6) 82
Forget to collect your dirty laundry like socks and underpants after taking them off 36%(30) 35%(29) 21%(18) 6%(5) 82
Which of the following do you find yourself doing often?
Response Percent Response Count
Stare at a beautiful woman.
66 % 49
Take complete possession of the remote control while watching T.V.
50 % 37
Keep filling in new cups and mugs while someone is slaving away in the kitchen cleaning up.
17 % 13
What in your opinion are your three bad habits?
  Response Percent Response Count Replies
    1 100% 82Show Replies
    2 100% 82Show Replies
    3 100% 82Show Replies